Dog Profiles – MISTY CREEK ROSE MOLLY – Millie

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Female Breeding Dogs Showcase:

Misty Creek Rose Molly -
" Millie"


Sire: Caralee Rupert - Raffa
Dam: Misty Creek Rose Pearl


Misty Creek Rose Molly  AKA  Millie
Size  Small Medium - 17 inches at the wither
Coat  Straight Fleece
Colour Apricot
Orivet Breed Panel Clear
Breeder Information  IVDD Clear  MMVD  Heterozygous for 3
Hips & Elbows Pending


Millie brings new bloodlines into our breeding program at Ridgy Didge, keeping our focus on good healthy puppies alive and strong.

Millie is a Small Medium girl with a gorgeous apricot coat that is straight fleece.  She comes from our friend at Misty Creek Rose & is sired by our boy Raffa so we expected a gentle & happy little dog, and she is not disappointing us!  Millie is already showing an exceptional temperament & is great potential for a therapy dog.  She lives with her guardian family here on the coast and is bringing much joy to her family each and every day.

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