Welcome to Ridgy Didge Australian Cobberdogs.
Cobberdogs are such loyal, gentle, playful dogs. Their beautiful low-shedding coats are also kind to allergy sufferers. Together, these characteristics make Cobberdogs perfect pets and companions.
At Ridgy Didge we love Cobberdogs and everything about them. When you adopt a Ridgy Didge puppy, be confident that Ridgy Didge is not a puppy farm. We are based in the beautiful Hinterland area of the Queensland Sunshine Coast, just an hour north of Brisbane. Our breeding program is fully responsible, and consequently there are no caged animals, no over-whelped mothers, and definitely no endless supply of puppies!
All the dogs in our responsible breeding program are loved family pets. Right from the time they leave their mothers, our breeding Cobberdogs live with carefully selected guardian families within a small distance of Ridgy Didge home base. What's more, our breeding dogs have only two (very occasionally three litters) before retiring to stay permanently at home with their families. Click on the pictures below and find out more about this great breed and Ridgy Didge Cobberdogs.
To adopt a Ridgy Didge puppy, complete and submit our Adoption Form below. We screen applicants very carefully to match puppies to families because our policy is more match-made-in-heaven rather than first-in-first-served!
Like our Facebook page to stay up to date with puppy news and announcements. Click on the buttons below to contact us, to download an Adoption Form, and to view our parent dogs and recent puppies.
Since 2012 the Australian Cobberdog has been registered with the International Master Dog Breeders Association (MDBA) as a pure breed in development.